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rauemi matahiko // digital resource

This is a free resource created for artists who are approached by organisations to provide their mahi toi or speak at events. 

It is an application form that streamlines the process on both ends and allows the artist visibility of the request within an achievable timeframe. 

This resource was created out of a need for clarity in the procurement process when approaching Māori artists. Often it is expected that indigenous artists will gift their time, expertise and art for free, simply because they are Māori. It is unfortunate however it does occur frequently.  


In some cases, artists are fine to share their talents to support a kaupapa, however this decision is at the discretion of the artist and should not be expected. We encourage those interested in procuring an artists time or services to value these as you would any other expertise. 

This form was made by Māori for Māori but is open to anyone who may find use in it.

All you need to do is download the word document and make any changes you wish.

This is the creation of a rōpū of talented mahi toi.  Quietly working in the background to remedy some of the challenges artists face.


Ngā mihi e hoa ma, you know who you are. 

© 2022 by Taioro 

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